Photoshop for designers who don't use Photoshop.

Photoshop for designers who don't use Photoshop.

Photoshop for designers who don't use Photoshop.

Photoshop for designers who don't use Photoshop.

A series of video tutorials aimed for UI/UX designers that use other screen design tools (like Sketch, Figma, XD, Framer, or Studio) but still need to do some image retouching here and there. 💇🏽‍♀️

A series of video tutorials aimed for UI/UX designers that use other screen design tools (like Sketch, Figma, XD, Framer, or Studio) but still need to do some image retouching here and there.

01. Batch Actions

Learn to use Actions and The Batch feature in Photoshop. This enables you to save a sequence of steps and then apply it to other images or to a group of images in a batch. What are you gonna do with all the extra time you'll be saving?

02. Cutting Out Elements

Learn to cut out elements from a photo using three different techniques. The Magic Wand tool, the Quick Selection tool, and the Pen tool. Now you'll be able to add floating sneakers on your mockups! 👟

03. Change color using Color Range

Learn to select a specific color or color range in an image and then change the color using the Hue & Saturation adjustment layer. Now you can paint your hair pink! 👩🏽‍🎤

04. Cleaning a pic with the Spot Healing Tool

Retouch and repair blemishes in photos using the Spot Healing Tool. This tool is used to blend and clean areas in an image.  You could even make your desk look tidier💄

05. Duotone effect using a Gradient Map

Learn to create a duo-tone effect using the Gradient Map adjustment layer. This effect was resurfaced recently by Spotify—it's so easy to use that you'll feel like you're cheating. 🤖

Coming soon...

  • Edit images with Cross Process adjustments
  • Three Instagram-Style filters.
  • Move elements in a photo.
  • Apply shadows and highlights to images.
  • Add and edit 3D objects.
  • Alter faces with face-aware liquify.
  • Create a vintage/retro effect.
  • Cutout elements with more detail (like hair) from a background.

You can vote on what the next video should be about here ☝️

“Photoshop for designers who don't use Photoshop” made by Pablo Stanley
Check out my YouTube channel for other cool tutorials.